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Hello, are their plans to have a route that makes Nurse Joy leave the pokecenter? And not immediately dump you for the first person she sees?


There will be multiple endings depending on what you choose at at least two more Nurse Joys you'll run into. 

Is there any gba hack like this or this is only for windows ?


Thanks for the comment! There's no GBA hack. The final version of the game is planned to be compatible with Android though.

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I wanna kiss you on your head brah I'm glad ya thought about making in android aswell (poor ahh gamers ) (me aswell)

Ahahahah thank you so much! I'll be excited to finally provide a chance for all you Android users to play! 


this is so fun haha thx for making this 

Sorry for the delayed reply, but thank you so much for this encouraging comment (and for the review!) 


Me and my friend had an amazing time playing this game all night tonight. So much fun can't wait for more updates and the final release

Thanks so much! I've had nights like that with my friends on other games so I'm glad to know that I've been able to repay the gaming community with similar experiences.


very good


I can't wait for you guys to release it for Android, iOS, Doom, on a monkey on a motorcycle at 100 km/h! Good job developers! Waiting for "the game" 2

Thank you so much! I'm still working on my unicycle lessons so I'll be able to catch up to and force the monkey to play the game upon release. 


I'm really excited about playing this game on my phone :)


The only thing bad about this game is that it's not finished. 


Awesome game, can't wait to see the full release!!


(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! I apologize for the delayed response. I get asked about joiplay frequently and was just a bit tired at the time, haha. For the full game, I do plan on providing joiplay support. At present though, I would have to completely hack up the demo's code to get joiplay working, which would just kill any progress I'm making now on the final project (which, will already be hard to finish with impeding life stuff). That said, I do sincerely thank you for the interest and will do my best to have the final product playable for you!


I thought you not going to reply me

Thanks you😊

Take your time i can wait more than years

I was just sad that you replayed vegeta79

Before me(you know i commented before him) even if it didn't work on android 

I will buy pc for this game

So take your time kwatar

I can wait and life stuff is important than game stuff so take care


I made an account just to make a comment expressing my Love for this goofy fucking game. Please, I need more, I need updates. Where can I check for updates? I need to see activity, I haven't had this much fun playing a Pokemon Romhack since never. Because I never enjoyed any of them, with the exception of this one. I love you, I love this game, and I love the charm that oozes just from this page alone with the floating Misty heads

Sincerely, random idiot on the internet

this is an amazing comment and i love you as much as a content creator can love a random poster they just met on the internet. thank you sincerely for this and your artistic inspiration! this kind of commentary makes the long slog to the finish bearable, haha. regarding updates: I'm in the long haul right now so it'll probably be like three years. But, I have been toying with the idea of semi-regular updates (I don't want to do too much and annoy people, though). Just follow me on here (which you already have!) and I'll try to post stuff at least 2-4 times a year in the meanwhile. Once again, thank you so much for this great comment! 


THREE LONGING YEARS I SHALL AWAIT!!! I wish you the utmost best and I can't WAIT for more!! Rock on!!


Game is freezing when i battle blue/gary

(Android users)


Can you please fix it

Thank you ☺️


Just a viewer of this streamer, but thought you'd like to see a glimpse of a stream audience's reception to your demo. Gameplay starts around 1:32:00, but skip to 4:26:26 for the reception.

The dialogue, battles, direction were hilarious and a great soundtrack to complement it.

I hope that motivates you to continue and eventually finish the full game!


Woah, I was totally unaware of this! Thanks so much for posting it- I had some open time today and ended up binging all of it, haha. It was a wonderful encouragement in a somewhat discouraging week in other life happenings. I especially enjoyed his arc of starting it as a joke but then genuinely loving it. The chat's comments on the songs were also appreciated- I don't make the songs, but I do spend a lot of time curating it, haha. As a side note, I also have to say- I think Tolomeo might be the most skilled Pokémon player I've seen play this- he knows his competitive strats pretty well. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement on my continuing progress to finish this! 


since this is a demo are you going to make a full version?

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Yes! But it'll be probably a few years, so long as life doesn't explode moreso than normal

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The current demo is a Deadpool worthy nostalgic trip, but the Pokemon NOT following orders & rebelling because we don't have any badges hampers the fun! I love the parody, but not the Souls Borne!

Deleted 217 days ago

Hey, thanks for following up! Quick question: Did you download your version of the demo prior to this Sunday? I believe I patched the low obedience cap in that recent update (and just tried testing it) but if it slipped through the cracks, I definitely want to fix it because I don't want the game to be that frustrating! 

Would it be possible to make an android version? 🤔

add a auto run 


It's there! Open the Options menu after loading a game. Apparently, it doesn't show if you open Options from the start menu though.

That said, I was completely unaware of this discrepancy until now. I'll put it on the lists of things to fix, thank you!

what now?


now i have to finish the full game, on which i am devoting all my spare few hours of free time :(


that'd be great if you did. This game does look pretty interesting 


add "skip opening cutscene" option

(1 edit) (+2)

You know, that's a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!



rigged tbh how do you kill that

when i talked to the prof tree the game broke

(1 edit)

thanks for the comment! are you using joiplay? at present, this game is sadly not supported by joiplay


i'm liking it so far i need to redo everything i did but the game is funny. i like that new name is a name but then gary comes and changes that. and he stole my girl 😭😭😭😭. i want to get ma girl back 


(1 edit) (+1)

This might be one of the annoying Pokémon things I've ever played, and yet at the same I enjoyed my time nonetheless. I do want to ask you about this game's difficulty, for a demo, though.

I get the Level 25 and Level 45 Metapod battle being annoying on purpose, since all they can do is use "Harden" even when they cannot raise their defense higher. But I found the fights with May, the Beedrill guy and Tracey particularly annoying. May is annoying because of the limited but still cheap movesets of Torkoal (Snore, Ember, and Rest. Mainly Snore and Rest for how often it puts the Clefairies to sleep, and regains Torkoal's health.) and Torchic (Mainly Double Kick's sheer power, with the occasional Protect.). The Beedrill guy is annoying because of the Beedrill's repetitive use of Fury Swipe, due to its frequency to hit a lot no matter the Girl ability's usage. Tracey is annoying because of the spamming of Smeargle's Circle Throw to damage the team and force a switch every time, alongside the additional spamming of Spikes that doubles onto that damage count, all combined with how you have to repeat that pain six times.

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*edit* just pushed the update that fixed some of these critiques 

Hey, thanks for the comment! I'm actually trying to push an update this weekend that will fix some of those issues and some softlocks. This was an accidentally induced. Initially, May's Torkoal was overleveled and players would just lose quickly and move on, so it wasn't actually too frustrating. But, in the recent updates, I lowered the level to give them a chance but I'm finding this results in a very long stall battle... followed by a stall battle... and then later Smeargles, which is just too much frustration. I'm going to nerf the Torkoal again and also probably the Smeargles and I'll also look at the Beedrills. My purpose in design is to provide a comical level of frustration to the player without inciting anger (kind of like friends joking or teasing one another). Admittedly, I haven't struck that balance quite right yet and still need to adjust some things. That said, thanks for the feedback once again!


Is there a android version?

will be

Hey just played the game and accidentally softlocked myself. Using the fire exit, I tried using the escape rope and couldn't get the lorelai juice thing due to that and so I was forever stuck in pewter city that's all. 


I wrote previously  but this is unrelated. 

If you have a position open, I would love to help you make a soundtrack for this game. I'm a music producer and I really wanna make more chiptune stuff and I have access to sound fonts and stuff so, if you're interested in having another pair of hands on the project...

Contact me here!

Discord: Illustrator69



games a mess

(1 edit)

I saw this game and really wanted to play it but I can only do it on mobile since I own a mac. Do you have any future plans to have this game compatible with mobile emulators? I use Myboy and it wasn't recognised.

Edit: nevermind you already answered this question below.

(1 edit) (+1)

Brooo, i had already so much fun in just the begining of the game, but the game crashes right after me becoming Pooty Bottoms :((( [When i'm about to fight Gary], even though i'm playing it on Windows..
Edit: Now it worked? Idk how, idk why, just played through again, and it worked. The most difference made was the name chosen haha

Bizarre 0_o Well, I'm glad it finally worked, haha, and hope you have fun with the rest! If an error pops up any time when you play, please take a screen shot and send it over! 

Bro can you tell me the series of your choices before fighting Gary? It keeps crashing for me everytime I fight him😭. Like what name did you pick, did you get the ai gf and did you pick a pokemon or the girls

(2 edits)

Does It works for joiplay emulator?

Edit: I just tested it and it works perfectly if anyone else is wondering

Edit 2: I works fine until you pick professor's parcel, then the game crash

From what I've seen, it crashes on the Gary battle for a lot of people (and also in my own tests). Does the Gary fight work for you?

It works fine until you pick Tree's parcel, then It jus crashes for me

I always get this error when I talk to the PokeShop man:

Script 'Interpreter' line 182: EventScriptError occured.

Geez, that's literally the basic give item script. This is good information to have. Joiplay right now is just so finnicky with this demo (and, I'm also introducing some more complicated code for the final) that I'm going to plan to see how they update it in the next few years because if work on it now I just won't have the energy to finish the game. Hopefully, some of these errors will just been non-issues as their emulator gets better but I'm definitely going to try ironing out the wrinkles for the final release if they're not. Thanks for the report though and I'm sorry I couldn't be of more service!


Is there a list of the songs used for this? I loved Gary's battle.


Yes! In the game's folder in Audio and the various subfolders (BGM is where most stuff is), most songs are named after the composter/game they're from, the console, and their title/track. There are some exceptions as I've had to replace some songs to avoid copyright claims or didn't name the right originally but these are listed in credits.txt in the main game folder. 

Gary's battle is specifically the boss song from Plok!, where I take like three songs because it's an awesome soundtrack. Rest in peace, Geoff Follin. 


thank you!!! :3 I wish you luck in your devving endeavors!


hey i noticed that there was an update a day ago. is it a new demo or just a website touchup?

Thanks for checking! It was a very minor update where I swapped out a song. No new content will be added until the final release- just minor changes and bug fixes.

Just wondered, can you play this game on an emulator like Drastic or Delta or really any mobile android emulators?


joiplay crashes right now due to a simple essential plugin, seemingly : ( 

i'm not sure if i'll ever get the demo working on android just because i have to keep making but i'll definitely devote a block of time to getting the full game running on android


Thanks!, I was looking forward to making a video on the gameplay soon.

I’m guessing that it won’t work for IOS either?


Sadly, RPG Maker XP games, which this was made in, just doesn't work on IOS. I apologize, Essentials is just the standard for this sort of thing but runs on 20 year old technology. Hopefully I can get an android port working for the full game, though.


it’s alright. I knew it was a long shot anyway.

Welcome back Dorkly.

so apparently, i just found out where this was from, haha. 

for reference, the "professor tree" joke is actually from a short troll game called Pokemon FTW that one of my old game making buddies and eventual members of Arcane Kids made. There are a couple of gags that I take from that game (and give credit to the creator in the credits.txt file) 




let us play as a girl

-every gay woman


Hello dots-x86, thanks for the feedback! I just wrote a lengthy reply to OrangFan below you on this, haha. 


I’ve finished the demo and it was really entertaining! (I didn’t get to do much of the dating part cuz I was going after Clara lol) but even so the comedy was very funny and made me verbally laugh multiple times. I made an account just because I wanted to comment this but I’m begging you please actually let us play as a girl if the full version is happening. Like Green or anyone, I’m a girl who loves girls and while Ash is fine I’d love the extra options. (P.S. I found a few bugs, two where if you use the escape rope in the jigglypuff song or in the fire escape hallway the game pretty much soft locks with the zoomed in screen and effects. Also I don’t know what caused it but after I lost the Tracy fight I accidentally took a walk with the guy who leads you to the gym and he froze in the middle of walking and soft locked the game. I hope this helps, and thanks for the really entertaining demo!)


Hey, thank you so much for registering to leave a comment and bug reports- I sincerely do appreciate it! I'll add those to the list for the next set of fixes. For having extra character options, I do want to emphasize that I understand the desire to play as a character that bests personifies you. However, at present I don't plan on adding any character customization for design reasons I can't fully explicate at this time. But for instance, certain planned gags wouldn't be possible with broader character customization (for instance, the Mormon dating jokes in the demo really only work if the protagonist is male). I also have some gags upcoming that subvert the presentations of women in Japanese bishojo media (which the Pokemon anime partly grew out of in the 1990s) by applying them to the player, which also only work with a male character. I know this might not be the answer for which you were looking but I do think it will contribute to an overall funnier full game and the design choice will make sense when complete (Also, as a side note: Leaf is planned to appear). That said though, I once again do sincerely appreciate and value your feedback and your willingness to take the time to write this. Thank you so much for playing!


Just finished the demo, that was fantastic! I can tell a lot of care went into this. It was much more fun than I could've imagined, and I'm not even a Pokemon ROM hack kind of guy. Is there any way to donate to you? Also, is there a Discord for the project?


Thanks so much, it means a lot! I've thought about a discord but the game is presently eating way too much of my life as is so it'd probably be a bad idea. Also, I'm avoiding involving any money with this project as it uses a lot of copyright content from a billion sources. I do appreciate your interest in it though, it is quite kind! 

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Aww, a Discord would be dope to retain a fanbase and be a part of. I really think you should look into it, worst case scenario you could have mods that moderate it for you and you just announce things there as well. Also, I don't think *donations* towards a project even with copyrighted content is any more illegal than the current state of it, but to play it 100% safe the donations can be simply to you as a developer (such as through Ko-Fi). That would make it irrelevant to the project.

I have a problem, how can you save your progress in the game? When I tap the menu the "save" button is not there, and when Gary fights me the game crashes, pls fix this man

And btw I'm playing this on joyplay

Thanks for giving it a try! At present, the game only plays on Windows as Joiplay breaks with battles. I think I have the problem pegged down but have not been able to fix it yet but hopefully will have something resolved by the official full release. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

But how do you save game though? I'm playing on windows and can't figure it out


I had a blast playing this. Never laughed so much when playing a game. 10/10, looking forward to the full release! And to more sweaty girls!

make it playable on mobile 🙏🙏


Uh, are you aware you Left sprites that spoiler the Full game in the demo's files? Like the Clara Clothes and Monster Clara Spritesheet. (And i She's still hot af to me in her Monster form!!)


hello digaum! yes, haha. the demo was unfortunately cut short for feasibility, there's parts of the remaining game in the rest of the files. i didn't remove them just because releasing and releasing the demo every time something breaks is a pain and much of the additional stuff will be reworked quite a bit. please feel free to browse, but if you do want to discuss it, please do it somewhere secretive as I don't want to spoil anything too much to the general audience! 

Alr alr, i see! Also, btw, Did you fix the Gary fight bug on JoiPlay yet? (And also, do you plan on making a Gen 2 parody Once Misty Orange is finished? Whitney Pink Maybe?)

Oh yes, Joiplay. I worked on it several hours but it appears to be a crucial plugin that's causing the issue. I could try to fix it now, but joiplay is also constantly updating and may just fix it themselves prior to full release. If not, I'll take a look again when the final product is done. 

And also on that note: Probably no more games of this scale from me after this, haha. Thanks for the interest, though! Making a project this large is fun but exhausting and I'll need to dedicate the time to more pressing things in the future, sadly. 

(sorry for the confusion, btw, I answered the other questions on one of your replies on the subpages)

Alright, i see! I'm pretty sure Misty Orange is gonna be pretty short considering Misty is the 2nd Gym Leader, unless you have some sort of plot Twist planned, but good Luck with the game!

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