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(1 edit) (+1)

Having problems unzipping it: UNOWN_13.png to 21 & others not working or getting corrupted, aka "could not create" while unzipping; downloaded a few times.

(1 edit)

Weird. I've not seen this error before, thanks for reporting! There's a lot of extra stuff that's just Pokemon Essentials data but not used in the demo. The Unown sprites never appear so the game may still run fine. Does it still run without those files? Or, have you tried extracting all but those files?

This is good to know, none-the-less, as I intend on purging a lot of the extra stuff in the final product (which, will probably prevent errors like this). But, I don't know all the gags I'm going to pull at this point, so I'm waiting to the final product before removing all that crap.


Having external HD issues, it eventually unzipped OK!


What can i say...

A masterpiece similar to the best works from 4chan.

i liked it so much that i took the trouble to play a new game cheating to see the limits of the plots and...i was satisfied, i expected to be insulted more, but for a demo it's fine. 😅

i think the only thing i missed was finding out if DIglett cave is "accessible"

so yeah, looking forward to the updates!

(1 edit) (+1)

hahah i was curious if anyone would ever see some of those. thanks for spading and for the compliments! i'll try to keep adding some extra stuff for people who look around at areas they aren't supposed to in the final product!


just finished this game and I love it there are so many fun and funny things I'll give it 10/10 now  I'll wait for the full version 

Hahaha, thanks so much! I'm working steadily on the full version now and hope it will even go above and beyond your expectations!

Game was fun until I had to run in what were the same spots. Longest 1 1/2 hours in a pokemon game


This is probably the funniest parody of the games I've played. I need a full version of this.

Side note I noticed a bug where the Jaundiced(Pissed on) Ekans will still remain in the same spot even after you join team rocket as well as the old man changing back to his original position if you don't kill him once you've left the town. 

Thanks so much for your kind comments! It's so nice to see people so excited for the full release! And, I was unaware of those bugs, so I will definitely look into fixing them. Thanks so much again!


this made me giggle for like 2 and a half hours i want more

haha, thank you! i'm working hard on the rest of the game to make sure you can have more! 

Are u thinking abt makin the game compatible with ios emulators too or jus on windows?

(2 edits)

They have iOS emulators for RPG Maker games now? Like what?


Any suggestions for those playing on Android? Because the game loads fine, but when I go to fight gary after getting the pokemon, it freezes

Hello Rock9878! I've been told this a couple times now. I'm fairly sure I know what the issue is, it's just a matter of finding time to implement a fix and finding an android device for myself to test it (there are emulators, but I'd rather not use them on my PC). I'll try to tackle this sometime within a week and if I manage to fix it, I'll make a post and let you know!


I appreciate it thank you if it helps i use Joi play to run it


That poor pikachu....dawg's suffering heart burn


I finally got to save with Porygon... by now I can say this gotta be a funny, silly and whacky adventure and I love it XD

hahaha, glad you've liked it so far! hope you've continued to have a fun time!


Oh ho ho i sure had a fun time! Reached the end of the demo and can only say BRAVO! I didn't expect it to be this long, and it's clearly made with tons of love. It has so much content for a demo. Just can't wait for the final release!

PS: God my chest hurts, the Lightyear part was too much i had to take a break XD

hahaha, thank you so much! man, I originally thought I had too little in this release, so it's nice to hear that I was underestimating the amount of work I've put in. This means the rest of the game will get done quicker (I would say it won't take a lightyear, but as we all know that's a measurement of distance and not time). Anyway, thanks again sincerely for playing!


omfg i love this game so fuckign much i can't wait for the full release this needs more attention aodkaoakodqokokqokoqo


"A questionable understanding of biology!"

That lines enough to have to try the game out

Deleted 317 days ago

Found a bug? Please report it here! Here are a list of known bugs as of April 1st: 

Known Bugs

  • Talking animations for visual scene for forest boss fight are broken. The player's avatar also shows temporarily.
  • Pewter Joy does not always move correct when walking in and out of the room
  • A door opens in the end scene of the game, which shouldn't.

Thank you all for playing!


I have found several bugs

in Viridian Forest

one crawled up my girlfriend's butt pls fix




that one guy that can make your pkmn learn abilities, game crashes for some reason when i talk to him. also pls add dating route for Clara in a future update she's my Waifu

(1 edit)

Was not aware of that bug I will get on that. Thanks for the report (and also the emphatic support, which I emphatically appreciate!!!)! and I can already tell you that your wish and waiting will not be disappointed~


Thanks! And to be more specific, the crash occurs as soon as the ability menu opens, atleast for me. And game is a bit laggy but my laptop's a potato so eh.


i love the way she knocks me over with her ass omfg 


I found a bug at Pewter City with the guy that walks with you to the gym. If you trigger his dialogue by stepping below him and accept, the walk is fine till reaching the gym corner, then Ash try to keep moving but the guy blocks de way and the game softlocks, as Ash's movement can't be completed

Thank you sincerely for reporting this! I've been walking back and forth to the Gym for half an hour now and can't replicate it (to quote the npc, "This walk never gets old!" :( ). I'm guessing something triggered in your save that's not in mine. If you don't mind, would you grab your save file named Game.rxdata in C:\Users\(YourUSERNAME)\AppData\Roaming\NOT Pokémon

and then upload it to and post the link for me? That would help a great deal!

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