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very good


I can't wait for you guys to release it for Android, iOS, Doom, on a monkey on a motorcycle at 100 km/h! Good job developers! Waiting for "the game" 2

Thank you so much! I'm still working on my unicycle lessons so I'll be able to catch up to and force the monkey to play the game upon release. 


The only thing bad about this game is that it's not finished. 


Awesome game, can't wait to see the full release!!


(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! I apologize for the delayed response. I get asked about joiplay frequently and was just a bit tired at the time, haha. For the full game, I do plan on providing joiplay support. At present though, I would have to completely hack up the demo's code to get joiplay working, which would just kill any progress I'm making now on the final project (which, will already be hard to finish with impeding life stuff). That said, I do sincerely thank you for the interest and will do my best to have the final product playable for you!


I thought you not going to reply me

Thanks you😊

Take your time i can wait more than years

I was just sad that you replayed vegeta79

Before me(you know i commented before him) even if it didn't work on android 

I will buy pc for this game

So take your time kwatar

I can wait and life stuff is important than game stuff so take care


I made an account just to make a comment expressing my Love for this goofy fucking game. Please, I need more, I need updates. Where can I check for updates? I need to see activity, I haven't had this much fun playing a Pokemon Romhack since never. Because I never enjoyed any of them, with the exception of this one. I love you, I love this game, and I love the charm that oozes just from this page alone with the floating Misty heads

Sincerely, random idiot on the internet

this is an amazing comment and i love you as much as a content creator can love a random poster they just met on the internet. thank you sincerely for this and your artistic inspiration! this kind of commentary makes the long slog to the finish bearable, haha. regarding updates: I'm in the long haul right now so it'll probably be like three years. But, I have been toying with the idea of semi-regular updates (I don't want to do too much and annoy people, though). Just follow me on here (which you already have!) and I'll try to post stuff at least 2-4 times a year in the meanwhile. Once again, thank you so much for this great comment! 


THREE LONGING YEARS I SHALL AWAIT!!! I wish you the utmost best and I can't WAIT for more!! Rock on!!

Game is freezing when i battle blue/gary

(Android users)


Can you please fix it

Thank you ☺️


Just a viewer of this streamer, but thought you'd like to see a glimpse of a stream audience's reception to your demo. Gameplay starts around 1:32:00, but skip to 4:26:26 for the reception.

The dialogue, battles, direction were hilarious and a great soundtrack to complement it.

I hope that motivates you to continue and eventually finish the full game!


Woah, I was totally unaware of this! Thanks so much for posting it- I had some open time today and ended up binging all of it, haha. It was a wonderful encouragement in a somewhat discouraging week in other life happenings. I especially enjoyed his arc of starting it as a joke but then genuinely loving it. The chat's comments on the songs were also appreciated- I don't make the songs, but I do spend a lot of time curating it, haha. As a side note, I also have to say- I think Tolomeo might be the most skilled Pokémon player I've seen play this- he knows his competitive strats pretty well. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement on my continuing progress to finish this! 


since this is a demo are you going to make a full version?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes! But it'll be probably a few years, so long as life doesn't explode moreso than normal

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